Calling all trainee patent attorneys
- Date 18 May 2018
Following last year’s very successful tutorial series for trainee patent attorneys based in the Cambridge area, Cambridge PEB Tutorials are organising a series of local tutorial sessions for the Foundation and Advanced UK PEB exams.
As with last year, we envisage the tutorials to be lunchtime/after-work tutorials, possibly webinars for the Foundation exams and face to face for the Advanced exams.
Would your firm be interested in such sessions for your trainees? If you are interested, we would be pleased to hear from you at If you could provide a tutor for one of the Advanced PEB exams, that would also be greatly appreciated, however this is not a requirement for allowing your trainees to join the tutorials.
If you are a trainee and would like to attend this year’s tutorials, please email
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.