Wordpress: Drive Traffic to your website & Copywriting for the web
18.45 - 21.15
Talks from two of our experienced group members, exploring complementary areas of website design and content.
Penni Stanton from Kabo Creative https://www.kabocreative.com/ will tell you how to drive traffic to your business website. With an estimated 140,000 new websites launched every day, you need a long term plan to drive consistent website traffic.
Penni will explain her top tips for driving consistent traffic, including:
- Contact forms & copy for lead generation
- Driving relevant traffic from your target audience
- On-site SEO fundamentals
- Being helpful on social media
- Blogging for your customers' pain points
Simon Bragg of Sibra https://sibra.co.uk will talk about copywriting for the web. Your visitors scan your text looking for answers to their questions. So you want a different writing style. The presentation will include:
1. Useful guides to writing for the web
2. Inverted pyramid style;
3. How to write in "assert-justify" style;
4. Appropriate sentence & paragraph length;
5. Typography;
This meeting is sponsored by Twin Dots (http://www.twindots.com/) the leading branding, design and development agency in Newmarket. Twin Dots has clients like Cambridge Marketing College, 450 GSM, Racing Welfare, and Devam the jewellers.
The usual format:
18:45: Roll up for a couple of beers in the foyer, & chat, mingle etc.
19:15 start: Everyone introduces themselves: 20 seconds max, mainly describing their involvement with WordPress.
2. Up to 3 * 3 minute pitches. Share discoveries, useful tips, requests for help with charitable projects.
3: WordPress News with our star reporter Ben Attenborough.
4. Presentation 1: Drive traffic to your website Penni Stanton
4.1 Presentation 2: Copywriting for websites: Simon Bragg
5. Clinic: Bring along a problem, and the audience will offer advice. If we can't, maybe we'll have a solution by next meeting.
Kinda aiming to finish the formal part by about 21:00, depending on everyone's enthusiasm to chat & discuss.
6. Beer & networking: We should leave by about 21:45 at the latest.
Event Details
- Event: Wordpress: Drive Traffic to your website & Copywriting for the web
- Date: Mon 11 Jun
- Time: 18.45 - 21.15