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IoD Connect 8:59 Breakfast

The Bradfield Centre
Thu 17 Oct

07:30 - 08:59

loop white

The purpose of these breakfasts is to enable people to shape and lead their business better.

We do this by discussing a topical business issue and sharing our findings with the rest of the room. This breakfast gives you a fantastic opportunity to network with other local business leaders. 

Generously hosted by The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge's hub for tech and deep tech companies operated by Central Working. Our mission is to grow scaleups and provide them with the connections and support they need to thrive. The way we do this is by building a sense of community through human interactions and high-quality events which engage our members and allow for networking.

Event Details

  • Event: IoD Connect 8:59 Breakfast
  • Date: Thu 17 Oct
  • Time: 07:30 - 08:59