IoD Cambridgeshire; IoD Connect: 8:59 breakfast
07:30 - 08:59
The purpose of these breakfasts is to enable people to shape and lead their business better.
We do this by discussing a topical business issue and sharing our findings with the rest of the room. This breakfast gives you a fantastic opportunity to network with other local business leaders.
During our January session, members filled out a survey on 'The Top 3 Things Keeping You Awake at Night', and based on this our February breakfast topic will be around Data Security & Cyber Crime.
What is special about this approach is that it works very effectively in building genuine mutual insight, rapport and trust. This in turn enables people, quite naturally, to want to “scan” the wider world on behalf of each other. This is when the notion of networking begins to have real meaning.
Because we want our 8:59 Topics to be topical, we do not publish a programme of subjects in advance. What we can promise is an opportunity to share insights, ideas and inspirations on topical business issues with likeminded leaders, giving us all something to think about and perhaps implement as we move into the rest of the day.
Coffee and tea will be provided and breakfast is available to buy at the Café.
Event Details
- Event: IoD Cambridgeshire; IoD Connect: 8:59 breakfast
- Date: Thu 21 Feb
- Time: 07:30 - 08:59