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Impulse at Bradfield Centre

The Bradfield Centre
Tue 30 Oct

16:30 - 19:30

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The exciting journey of research and industry based new ventures
Impulse @ the Bradfield Centre

We are delighted that Dr David Connell will join our event and gives a talk about "Research and industry based new ventures; the role of “soft start-ups” and lead customer contracts in avoiding dilution and building a UK Mittelstand". Afterwards, Yupar (Head of the Impulse Programme) will introduce the Cambridge entrepreneurship programme for tech innovators based at the Maxwell Centre.


Dr David Connell has been a Senior Research Associate then Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Business Research at the University of Cambridge since 2006. He was previously founding Chief Executive of TTP Ventures, a Cambridge-based venture capital fund specializing in early stage science and technology-based ventures with funding from Boeing, Siemens and financial institutions. From 1989 to 1997, Connell was Head of TTP Groups Strategy Division, providing consulting advice on technology exploitation, innovation and business development strategy to a wide range of clients including Shell, BP, Nortel, ICI, Barclays Bank and Cambridge University. Today, he combines directorships with TTP Capital Partners and various technology-based companies with his academic research position.

David’s research interests include business models for new science and technology companies, technology commercialisation strategies, and government science and innovation policy. His research on the US Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and other US procurement based policies has had a major influence on Government thinking and his detailed proposals form the basis of the revised UK SBRI programme. David is advising the TSB on implementation. He is also currently examining overseas policy models and the role of intermediate research institutions as a part of CBR’s work with the Cambridge IKC.

For further information about David please have a look here. 


16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 17:40  
Research and industry based new ventures; the role of “soft start-ups” and  lead customer contracts in avoiding dilution and building a UK Mittelstand

Dr David Connell, Senior Research Fellow, 
Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge

17:40 - 17:55  
Impulse – The Cambridge entrepreneurship programme for tech innovators

Yupar Myint, Head of Impulse

17:55 - 18:30
Accept the challenge – Become a tech innovator
Impulse mentor

The innovator’s journey - Insights and learning
Impulse alumni

18:30 - 19:30 
Networking session (nibbles and drinks)

Come and join the talk with David and meet an Impulse mentor as well as two Impulse alumni. Spaces are limited so please register today.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Impulse Programme for tech innovators
Impulse is designed for researchers and scientists to engage in an intensive and steep learning curve experience. More than 80 top-tier entrepreneurs, innovators, investors and industry experts share their expertise, offer senior level mentoring and guidance. Impulse provides a unique learning environment for participants helping them to transform scientific breakthroughs into market-ready solutions.

Further information can be found at www.maxwell.cam.ac.uk/programmes/impulse
or email us on impulse@maxwell.cam.ac.uk.

Event Details

  • Event: Impulse at Bradfield Centre
  • Date: Tue 30 Oct
  • Time: 16:30 - 19:30

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