Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace
08:30 - 10.00
CIPD found that money worries were the biggest source of stress to UK employees. One in four workers say they have lost sleep over money worries, with poor sleep contributing to reductions in people’s concentration and quality of performance. This is another area that we find difficult to talk about.
The impact on the health of our employees is high; as is the impact on businesses. In total, financial stress costs the UK economy £121 billion and 18 million working hours in time off work each year.
Supporting our employees in this area is another key area to good mental health.
Join us for an engaging event to look at how we can encourage employees to talk about their financial worries. Close Brothersare experts in this area, and will give us great insight to engaging in this area.
Helping employees to improve wellbeing by understanding and withstanding the financial pinch points of life, is becoming increasingly incumbent upon employers.
The event will help to answer a host of questions including:
The psychology of money
Why financial wellbeing is the missing piece of the puzzle
Financial wellbeing - managing the key risks
Financial wellbeing in practice
call hr and Close Brothers will provide you with valuable insight into why financial wellbeing in your workplace is becoming more important than ever before.
Please join us for an engaging and informative workshop, where we will explore the challenges, benefits and impact of a well designed wellbeing programme.
Close Brothers has been inspiring employees to make a positive change to their financial future for over 45 years. Cambridge based call hr provide a complete HR service for many organisations in and around the East of England.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Event Details
- Event: Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace
- Date: Wed 25 Apr
- Time: 08:30 - 10.00