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Cambridge Wordpress Meetup

The Bradfield Centre
Mon 12 Aug

18:00 - 22:00

loop white

Make them hire you!

If you think of yourself as a 'web designer', you've got to pause for a second and think again.

Noli Shelala will share the ups and downs of his 16-year journey in the industry and create a group discussion about day-to-day dilemmas and how to overcome them.

Who is it aimed at:
*Freelancers and individuals trading as self-employed;
*Micro businesses of 1-2 people;
*Individuals planning/thinking about venturing solo

You'll see insights on the following areas:

*What do you do?
*How and what do you sell?
*How to price your work;
*How to get a project into your portfolio
*How to ensure you get repeat business and recommendations

This meeting is sponsored by Twin Dots (http://www.twindots.com/) the leading branding, design and development agency in Newmarket. Twin Dots has clients like Cambridge Marketing College, 450 GSM, Racing Welfare, and Devam the jewellers.

The usual format:

18:45: Roll up for a couple of beers in the foyer, & chat, mingle etc.

19:15 start: Everyone introduces themselves: 20 seconds max, mainly describing their involvement with WordPress.

2. Up to 4 * 3 minute pitches. Share discoveries, useful tips, requests for help with charitable projects.

3: WordPress News with our star reporter Ben Attenborough.

4. Main presentation: Make them hire you! Noli Shelala

5. Clinic: Bring along a problem, and the audience will offer advice. If we can't, maybe we'll have a solution by next meeting.

Kinda aiming to finish the formal part by about 21:00, depending on everyone's enthusiasm to chat & discuss.

6. Beer & networking: We should leave by about 21:45 at the latest.


Generously hosted by The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge's hub for tech and deep tech companies
operated by Central Working. Our mission is to grow scaleups and provide them with the
connections and support they need to thrive. The way we do this is by building a sense of
community through human interactions and high-quality events which engage our members and
allow for networking.

Event Details

  • Event: Cambridge Wordpress Meetup
  • Date: Mon 12 Aug
  • Time: 18:00 - 22:00