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Cambridge Social Media Meetup - Storytelling

The Bradfield Centre
Wed 27 Jun


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This morning will be dedicated to Storytelling!

Everything you do has a story behind it. Business storytelling is about bringing out these stories and using them to let people know who you are, what you do and why.

Rachel Extance is a communications consultant who uses stories to help businesses connect with their audience. During this presentation, Rachel will talk about practical ways you can use storytelling in your social media.


Feeling lost in the social media maze? Don't know where to start and how to efficiently spend your limited time? You're not alone! No matter if you are a marketing virgin, newbie or a pro, everyone is welcomed.

Join us for a great morning filled with learning, meeting new people and generally having a great time! I'm still figuring out this new 'Morning event', but I can promise there'll be good coffee/tea, nice breakfast options and most importantly really good conversations.

Agenda for the morning:

10-10:30am - coffee/tea, croissants, mingling, networking

10:30-11am - short presentation

11am-12pm - introductions followed by Q&As and an informal chat

12pm - expected finish

Do you have any questions or problems that you'd like this group to help you with? Let me know!

I'm looking forward to meeting you all at The Bradfield Centre (Central Working Cambridge, Unit 184 Cambridge Science Park, Milton, Cambridge CB4 0GA, UK)

Event Details

  • Event: Cambridge Social Media Meetup - Storytelling
  • Date: Wed 27 Jun
  • Time: 10:00-12:00

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